uploads/rough wrought.jpg

rough wrought adj.潦草作成的,粗制的。


We make moldings strictly according such process , plan and assign jobs , designing the mould structure , rough working , accurate working , test , benchwork assembly , post treatment , test and production . we adopt standard moulding accessorics in order to make our customer fast and accurately get what they need at any time 我們嚴格按照“策劃分配任務?模具結構設計?粗加工?精加工?檢測?鉗工裝配?后處理?檢測?生產”的生產工藝流程進行模具制造,采用標準化的模具配件讓我們的客戶隨時、快捷、準確地獲取您之所需。

Aimed at two shortages during rough working procedures - cast blanks with large - scale free form surfaces are distorted significantly and cutting stocks are distributed very dispersely , a new hogging algorithm is proposed 摘要提出了一種新的毛坯荒加工算法,解決了在粗加工時大型復雜曲面毛坯變形嚴重、馀量分布不均勻等問題。

At first tihon undertook the rough work of making fires , fetching water , skinning horses , and so on , but he soon showed great zeal and capacity for guerilla warfare 吉洪起初只干些粗活,生火擔水剝死馬,等等,很快他對游擊戰表現出極大的愛好和才能。

Even if it ' s genuine it ' s not much valuable ! first no clear age feature , second rough work , and third rust corrosion 就是真的收藏價值也不高的!年代特征不明,此其一;工藝過于粗糙,此其二;銹蝕過于浮躁,此其三

Flowery dao , but rough work , not so good style and age of decoration , quite possible from temple 刀很花哨,但是制作顯粗糙,文飾上風格和年代不樂觀,廟宇里的可能性大。

There ' s . . . there ' s plowing and rough work , i think there ' s been a misunderstanding , 需要. . .犁地和干粗活我想準是誤會了

There ' s , , , there ' s plowing and rough work , i think there ' s been a misunderstanding , 需要. . .犁地和干粗活我想準是誤會了

There ' s . there ' s plowing and rough work , i think there ' s been a misunderstanding , 需要.犁地和干粗活我想準是誤會了

They ' re all of rough work 這些東西得做工太粗糙了!